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Каталог сайтов Главная / Покупка, продажа, аренда / www.lapino-grad.ru Элитный коттеджный поселок Лапино-град Элитный коттеджный поселок Лапино-град. Загородный дом , коттеджный поселок , земля в подмосковье , загородная недвижимость , проекты коттеджей , коттеджи в подмосковье , проекты загородных домов , элитные коттеджи , участки в подмосковье , продажа коттеджей .

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линзы цветные для глаз

гостиница ALFONSO VI 4* first Местонахождение: Центр города Адрес: GENERAL MOSCARDO 2, 45001 TOLEDO, SPAIN, Телефон: 34-925-222600, Факс: 34-925-214458 Количество комнат: 94 Скидки детям: с 2 по 12 лет. Баров: 1 Банкетных залов: 2 Описание: Расположение CITY CENTRE 90 km to the nearest airport: MAD 2 km to the nearest station: ESTACION DE TOLEDO 15 minute walk to nearest bus stop. 2 km to the nearest fair site: LA PERALEDA Дополнительная информация LOCATION The hotel is located in the heart of the city centre, within the old quarters, a step away from all the local tourist attractions and just a few minutes walk from the cathedral. ROOMS The rooms are medium in size and traditionally decorated with fine blue ceramic tiles which are typical of this area. They have carved wooden four posted beds and Castillian styled furnishings to match with green carpets. The bathrooms are large in beige and brown marbled colours. RESTAURANT There are two traditionally decorated restaurants where you can taste local dishes, especially marzipan which a typical almond and sugar paste eaten in Christmas time. EXTERIOR The facade is very traditional and Castillian. It is made of brick work and limestone together with fine ceramic slates. This hotel is surrounded by shops and a small square is situated just opposite it. LOBBY The reception areas are medium in size but well decorated with dark brown marbled floors, large wooden panels on the walls, traditional decorative ornaments on display and a very interesting Spanish armour suit standing proudly in reception. GENERAL This is a very good property due to its intallations and location.07/03MP Заметки *** BEST BUY *** События 03.12.2004 - 06.12.2004: Bank Holiday 21.03.2005 - 27.03.